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We live in a day and age where our kids are more exposed than ever. Our society has evolved into a world filled with drugs, crime, human trafficking, poor mental health, divorce, and so much more. Today it’s critical to educate and inform our kids of the dangers in their midst. Talking with your child regularly about these dangers plays a major role in the prevention process. As a parent, monitoring your child is important even if your child rejects your monitoring efforts. These two parental roles can be challenging at times, but with the right tools and consistent effort, you could be saving your child’s life. Below is a list of resources to give you some tools that may be helpful to you as a parent.

4 Ways to protect your kids from purchasing counterfeit pills online

Have a Genuine Interest and Care in Communication
Keep communication lines open and be involved. Know your kid's friends, what is happening at school, their interests and hobbies. Staying close and involved in your kids' lives helps you to notice changes in behavior that could point to drug use. 

Know the Dangers-Making a Mistake Should Not be Deadly
Make sure your kids know the consequences. Because counterfeit drugs are so readily available online, kids may believe that they are safe and aren’t really dangerous. But often, dealers will lace pills with other substances (like fentanyl), increasing the potency and making its consumption even more dangerous and possibly deadly.

DEA Laboratory Testing Reveals that 6 out of 10 Fentanyl-Laced Fake Prescription Pills Now Contain a Potentially Lethal Dose of Fentanyl

Meet your neighborhood Drug Dealer - Smartphone and Social Media
No longer confined to street corners and the dark web, criminal drug networks are now in every home and school in America because of the internet apps on our smartphones. 

Privacy is NOT Parenting
While this may be uncomfortable and you may be accused of spying (which is technically true), be sure to let them know that you are only trying to keep them safe. Share the most recent cases and facts about young people who have lost their lives from an accidental overdose. Monitor your kid’s smartphones, internet searches, and social media apps. Know their accounts and passwords. Encourage your kids to alert you of anything that makes them uneasy or causes strong suspicion. You may also want to invest in one of these “Parental-Control and Monitoring Apps.” 

Inspect Their Packages
Monitor their delivered packages. Drugs are often delivered in unmarked and discreet packaging. If your loved one is getting unusual, unexpected mail or packages, ask them about it. Stick around when they are opening these types of packages.

With drugs being more accessible and counterfeit pills more deadly than ever, the most important thing you can do is to educate yourself on the potential dangers while maintaining a loving and responsible relationship with your teen. 

The bottom line is, that the only safe medications are ones prescribed by a trusted medical professional and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist.

Below is a list of resources to give you some tools that may be helpful to you as a parent.

The One Pill Killed campaign was created to raise awareness about the fentanyl epidemic that’s impacting so many families in our country. We are working with national and local media and TV networks requesting airtime to broadcast our public service announcement.

We can increase awareness by purchasing more airtime to run our public service announcements. You can help support this important cause by making a donation to the House of Giving.  House of Giving is a 501(c3) non-profit organization started in 2001 by Michael R. Ellison, the grandfather of Chase Michael Ellison.

We are committed to taking the crucial step of raising national awareness of the dangers of counterfeit prescription drugs containing fentanyl.

For more information about House of Giving. please email us at

With a Donation of Just $5, You Can Save Lives by Bringing Awareness to 1000 Households.


An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

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